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When To See The Best Spine Surgeon In India for Spine Surgery?

· spine surgery,spine doctor,health,spine problem,best spine surgeon

Have you been facing uneasiness or severe pain in your back? Has your back pain made it difficult for you to do daily chores? If yes, you are in the right place. This blog will help you to understand when is the right time to get in contact with the spine surgeon in India.

Spine Surgeon In India

We will discuss – what your chances of having a back surgery are, and what are the major symptoms for which you should go for spine surgery?

So read ahead!

Only 3 out of 10 Back Pains Require Surgery

You might have been facing severe back pain, but it doesn’t mean that you need to go through a surgery. Sometimes, stiff muscles or physical activities can contaminate your back muscles and bone. These can be treated with physical therapy, ice, heat, and NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) medication. If your work is stressing your back, try exercising regularly. Exercises will help your muscles to loosen a bit and recover from inflammation quickly. Moreover, poor lifestyle can play a major reason for having back pain that is not tolerable at all.

Improve your lifestyle, sitting posture, and even the diet. Include citrus in your diet to recover muscles. If you are involved in physical or sports activities, go for massage or body spa once in a while. After doing all these, if your back still hurts, consult the best spine surgeon in India. Only the professional help will cure your pain and help you to find out if there is any chronic spine condition. So get your surgeon’s number on the top of your dial pad!

Why do you need Spine Surgery in India?

Tons of reasons could be there that urge you to have back surgery as soon as possible. We have listed major spine conditions and roans for which you should reach your back surgeon immediately.

So take a look:

  • A slipped disk paint that is not healing on its own
  • Bone spurs often caused by arthritis in your spine can put too much pressure on the spinal cord
  • Having degenerative backbone condition such as stenosis, which narrows the protective bony canal that further leading to other side effects like weakness
  • Numbness or weakness in your legs and arms
  • Facing issue in using your hands or walking
  • Uncontrollable bowel or bladder because of nerve problems in your back
  • High fever with back pain or serious spin infection can be a chronic condition
  • A dislocated or broken bone in your back
  • Spinal cord tumour

If you can relate to any of the above conditions, you should rush to your spine surgeon. All the above conditions are important to address before it’s too late. Even if you have mild signs of the listed conditions, do consult your surgeon for a complete examination. Sometimes there are fewer symptoms of backbone issue but the internal structure is extremely affected.

So don’t waste a minute to get in touch with the experienced, knowledgeable, certified, and professional surgeon for your Spine Surgery in India.